Why is Positivity Important in Life?

 Positive thinking is a way of thinking that focuses on the good in life. It means to look for the good in every situation and to ignore the bad. It is important for people to maintain a positive attitude because it will make them feel better about themselves and their lives. Positive thinking can also influence people's moods, attitudes, and outlook on the world. Positive thinking can be achieved by three practices: - Thinking about what you want, not what you don't have - Being grateful for what you have - Practicing self-compassion Positive thinking can be learned - and it is an important skill that we should all learn so that we can be healthy and happy. Positive thinking is a crucial skill in order to stay healthy and happy. It is not easy to develop this skill, but there are some tips and tricks that can help you. One of the best ways to become more positive is by surrounding yourself with positive people, places, and things. Learn to be patient and kind to yourself. Posi...

Impact Of Social Media



impact of social media essay


To some social media gives them happiness and to some it brings sadness. In this era, people use social media to find happiness in their “so-called” non-happy lives. We are overexposed with information due to social media. When we open Instagram, we know what people are showing off, when we open Snapchat we know who is parting where and with whom, when we see tik-tok videos, we know how entertaining and talented a person can be, when we open twitter we can see how funny people can be. We are constantly comparing our lives with others. We don’t know this but this has created a fear in our minds. We get sad after seeing our friends parting with other people, we get sad by looking at someone’s travel stories and those fancy vacations. People put posts of everything they do on their social media i.e. all the positive things that are going on in their lives because no one posts things about the negativity or pain they go through. In this way, we are constantly judging each other just because of what we see on social media platforms. This insists fear in our mind and that fear is to look stupid and that stop’s us from trying new things that can help us achieve our dreams and making them into reality. It affects the psychology of a person as one person always wants to look good in front of other people.  So stop comparing and start trying new things as possible even if it’s small.

Every now and then we have a habit of checking our social media more than we even check ourselves. The moment we wake up and the moment we go to sleep we see our phones. People have made this their life rather than looking at the bier and more practical world around them. When we meet our friends we talk about the likes, the comments he/she got on their posts, the place where he/she is partying, with whom he/she is having fun, the memes we share, etc. This fear of looking stupid has ruined our minds and can increase the rates of depression. Also, researchers have said that social media tools are designed to be addictive.

impact of social media essay

“Social media should improve our life not become our life”

People want other people to appreciate them, talk to them and comment or like on their pictures ‘The more likes/comments the more happy people get’. We think hundred times before posting a picture, not because we like it or not but what if other people don’t like it. This phase comes mostly in college time as when we see people hanging out with more smart and cool people than us, then we feel sad and we try to become like them, we try to become what we are not and which leads to lose our originality and become that person who everyone likes to spend time with. Eventually, you won’t be able to live happily as you are pretending to be someone, instead of that do something good or be a nice person by helping them then people will automatically like to spend time with you. Be a happy and positive person because positivity is more attractive than anything else in life.  Social media is good at its own place for promotion and publicity for stars. But we should now make it control our minds and give the power to social media to make us sad or happy.




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